
I was very late. When I arrived, the conference had already started.

When he heard the police knocking on the door, he hid under the bed.

The police arrested him because he was carrying a gun.

When they arrived at the police station, he said that he hadn’t done anything wrong.

When he said that he loved me, I knew that he was lying.

I looked at him and I knew he had been in a fight, because he had a black eye.

He pulled out a gun and everybody ran away.

When I was a child, we never went anywhere at weekends; it was boring.

When he retired he had been in the company for more than 50 years.

I wasn’t paying attention to the road and we crashed.

This story is based on true events that happened many, many years ago in Scotland. One day, Mr Clark was walking home with a smile on his face. He was carrying something very valuable in his hand: tickets for a long, long journey. After many years working and saving, Mr Clark  had saved all the money he needed to take all his family to the United States. Earlier that afternoon he had bought all the tickets that now he was holding in his hand. It was the opportunity of their lives. “The United States of America,” he repeated aloud just to see how nice it sounded in his ears. A few days before their departure, Mr Clark’s son was playing in the street when a dog bit him. The doctor went to their home and treated the child’s wound.  hung a yellow sheet on their front door. That yellow sheet meant that they had just beeb quarantined. They had to stay at home for two weeks because of the possibility of rabies. Five days later, Mr Clark was at the docks. He had left the house and now he was watching their ship leave to the United States without him or his family. When the ship disappeared in the horizon, he stood up and went back home, crying. A few days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland – the mighty Titanic had sunk, taking hundreds of lives with it.

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